Credential free, anonymous system access

I suspect that in this day and age where very few services are made available via telnet and SSH that this document is of limited use. However I need the notes and it may help out someone else. Anonymous access to services these days isn’t that common, and the traditional approach has always been to use a published username and password. I’ve never been that keen on such an approach as it means the account has to have a valid password and thus be locked out of every other service on the machine, also it means that you present a slightly greater window for people to try to send you malicious data. Because of this I rather prefer to just not ask for credentials on public services. So if you want to allow people to connect to a system via SSH or telnet (Yes I know telnet isn’t secure and… Continue reading

Yet another “How to Chroot” article

There are loads of “how to set up chroot” guides out there, and this is yet another one as I had to piece together quite a few to get things to work they way I needed them to and to my liking. So as I need to make notes for when I inevitably need to set this up again I figure I may as well share those notes. Hopefully this well be a suitably idiot guide. This is written for a Ubuntu system so on other systems your mileage may vary. The basics I’m going to break this down to the first steps that are vital for getting any chroot jail to work and then look at making it useful. But even these basic steps could probably be made even more minimal if you really wanted to. For the purpose of these notes just assume that every command is either… Continue reading